Elaborate Rookie Hazing of Matsuzaka Getting Out of Hand

Putting aside questions of whether or not players who have played in the Japanese professional leagues for years before coming Stateside to ply their trade for Major League Baseball, Daisuke Matsuzaka is a rookie in the major leagues of baseball in the United States.

And in the great tradition of sports teams, rookies get hazed.

What was cracked as a scheme to haze this particular high profile rookie import, Jason Varitek, the most unlikely of sources, passed notice around the clubhouse that they wouldn't be scoring their customary number of runs when Daisuke took the mound for his inaugural season in the big leagues.

"To be honest, I never thought we could pull it off. I mean, it's scripted that we're going to get between 5 and 12 runs every two games. Theo and John Henry and Co. paid the money, it's what's on the menu," said the Captain, alluding to the rumored deal in which the baseball season's outcome is predetermined down to the game-by-game level at the outset of the season based on salaries paid to players, offseason movement, press clippings the GM's send to the commissioner's office, and a complicated sabermertric statistic involving direct payouts to the commish in unmarked, non-sequential bills. "But we did it. For crying out loud, we lost to the Devil Rays. They're not even a real team, they were just invented by MLB for television purposes and after a generous donation from the Sox ownership to the commissioner's office to give Sox fans a more affordable option to see the team than hitting Fenway. Hell, my own family can't afford to get in there, any more.

"But the work we've done over the last couple years, leaving six, eight, nine men on base in a given evening, failing to score men on second and third with none out, well, I'm happy to say it's all paid off."

Daisuke has generally been a good sport about things.

"To be honest, I was wondering what all the laughing was about, with Lugo kicking that ball clear to the Red Sox dugout in the fourth with a man on first, then standing there over the ball, just looking at it, occasionally stealing a glance at second to see if Jonny Gomes was going to move up to third, possibly try and take home. And when he took a swing and tried kicking me when I jovially when over and tried to pick it up myself, you know, to help out, well, I figured it was just a cultural difference. Like when those fans met me outside the gate at Fenway, followed me home, camped out outside my doorstep all night, and then walked me back to the park the next morning. One them brought me coffee and a donut. All part of the American experience, right?" said Daisuke, through his interpreter. "But the hazing thing sort of makes sense, I suppose. I can't wait to do it to the rookies next year! Only, you know, I'll have to do something other than not score runs. Since I'm a pitcher, you know? Maybe we'll make 'em wear a pink backpack like they made Papelbon wear!"

Varitek wouldn't comment, but Big Papi, the jovial clubhouse prankster who's sorry he didn't think of the hazing ritual first, said there are big things in store for Daisuke's upcoming start in New York. "Oh, I can't say, man, but it's gonna be good. Let's just say Dice'd better stay in the clubhouse between innings, because when you shave your bat handles down as much as we've been doing all week those things are gonna break like twigs and splinters! Umm. That's not a euphemism, by the way."

Daisuke is scheduled to pitch Tuesday, August 28th, in Yankee Stadium. On Bud Selig's chart, he is scheduled to throw a complete game shutout.

"We'll figure something out. Don't worry about it," said Jason Varitek.


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27 Aug, 2007

Your weekly horoscopes.