Turtles are not Indigenous to Mars

The three truest words ever spoken to me, not in this order, were: "Don't eat out too often."

Actually, those were the words, spoken in that order. It was the last thing I heard before the giant turtle entered my life.

I never knew when to call a turtle a turtle and when to call it a tortoise. Somewhere along the line, recognizing this deficiency in myself, I set a mark, arbitrarily, that, should a turtle ever get to more than one hundred pounds, I would henceforth call it a tortoise.

So shortly after hearing those words: "Don't eat out too often," from a former college professor of mine, no less, I encountered a turtle easily more than one hundred pounds, and my hearing just blew straight out... I imagined it might have looked a bit like a cartoon with smoke coming out of my ears. Later, of course. At the time, it hurt like heck.

Must have been that pact I'd made with the devil with certain riders about always honoring arbitrary rules I was setting up for myself that kicked in to effect.


Ah, the holiday season.

Time for laughing. Time for ... wait, we've done this one.

And it's too late, speaking of time, to get the brand spanking (not literally) new Sane Magazine tshirt!

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If you had feelings about this week's issue, be sure to let us know how you felt. If your feeling isn't covered here... well, I guess you're stuck, then, aren't you?
Liked it.
Didn't like it.
Would have liked more references to bats.
I'd rather be boiled in vinegar.

Also, we'd like your take on the now missing Summary Feature (email subscribers can still access the summary for the current week's issue only and you can sign up here). How do you feel about the (now gone) summary feature on each issue?
I miss it.
Didn't use it.
What summary, you mean I can get away with reading less?
Don't miss it at all.

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25 Dec, 2006

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