Easter Lobsters

The blue one (a blue one!) crawled over a pile of its compatriots, leapt off the top of the pile, and speared the pink one with one rubberbanded claw.

"Pink and blue!" she thought, "It's like they're Easter Lobsters!"

"They're Easter lobsters," said the main in the water stained apron. "They're moderately wild."

She looked up at the man, all the way up to his litte white paper hat.

"Hey, honey, eyes down here." He said 'here' without an 'r.' It sounded like 'hee-ahhh.'

The blue lobster ducked away behind yet another pile of lobster, more traditionally colored. The pink one took a swipe at the nearest reddish lobster, half heartedly, which provoked a spirited headbutt from the newest pokee. The consistency of water being what it is, this headbutt connected with a few other nearby lobsters, which set off a flurry of activity, most of which was violent, as well.

Out of the flurry a rubberband floated, like a cloud or an improperly installed belt on a vacuum cleaner flinging off in slow motion capture.

"So you gonna take one up or what?" The man had his hands on his hips.

"Umm. No, no thanks." The rubberband nestled down into the reddish pile of lobsters, which was less concentrated now, as lobsters spread out, poking each other as they went, sparking yet more furies in the aquarium.


May is drawing nearer, so here we go: May 18th, mark your calendars. There's no Red Sox game (and they've started playing again, so I know that's a factor). Get your skinny little butt to Arlington, MA, and the local arts center, and you'll get to see yet another scintillating reading by none other than the founder of Sane Magazine, and this time he has had a long time to process the fact that the subject of his story has up and defected. So maybe he'll be funny about it. Funny meaning humorous. Not, you know, strange.

At any rate, Arlington, Massachusetts, May 18th, 2006. Fenway Fiction reading. Buy the book before then so you can read along in your seat.

And that's all we'll say about that. In other news, join our contest to name our (soon to be very) new world headquarters in sunny Massachusetts over in the forums. You could be a part of history. In a way that won't get your name stuck in the history books.

Support Sane:

Tshirts & clothing: The Sane Magazine Shop at Cafe Press
- New designs coming soon, so these limited edition shirts may be worth bazillions of dollars soon!
A Book: Fenway Fiction

See you next week, on the dime.

If you had feelings about this week's issue, be sure to let us know how you felt. If your feeling isn't covered here... well, I guess you're stuck, then, aren't you?
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Would have liked more references to bats.
I'd rather be boiled in vinegar.

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What summary, you mean I can get away with reading less?
Don't miss it at all.

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03 Apr, 2006

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