Jim's Story 2

All right, so there might be a bit of misnomer, here. Because this isn't Jim's story. Or whatever his name was in ancient Egyptian. Oh sure, it pays lip service to Jim and his story, largely by way of the title, which is, of course, "Jim's Story 2."

You might be slightly disappointed, last week having departed the site thinking, "Hmm... the story was sort of left up in the air, there... yet there wasn't any 'to be continued...' footer... Ah well, maybe next week there will be a brand new serial for me to sink my teeth into each week for a few weeks until it tapers off!" And then you proceeded to finish folding the laundry, filling out reports and spreadsheets, writing that assignment you had due later in the day, or went back to surfing sites in your "Others" bookmarks folder. But deep down inside you knew. If you were a salty old seadog you'd be rolling out a good old 'shiver me timbers' and telling all and sundry that you had a feeling, an inkling that this week's issue was bound to be a continuation of last weeks.

Based on our dipping attendance figures (we're a bit like the National Hockey League, it seems, maybe we should try widening the goal, allowing the goalies less padding, or having mostly naked girls parade around with issue numbers on placards to draw more of a crowd), we imagine that might have driven not a few stares. You know the kind we mean.

This is all assuming you're the kind of person who likes the serials. As a form of writing, not necessarily our serials, specifically. We'd like it if you liked ours, but we understand there are differing opinions on how serials should be conducted and all that jazz.

If you're not that type of person, perhaps you came by this week, comfortable with last week's ending. A bit premature, you might say. But that's okay. It ended quickly because, well, that's how we sometimes do things. Abruptly. Not in a bad way, necessarily (and it's nice of you to say that). Just abrupt. The way yanking a kid's tooth out by tying his wiggly tooth to a string to a door is abrupt. Unless, of course, the door in question is one of those plywood/hollow doors on houses from the seventies, and slamming the door shut produces a pretty stiff breeze, but is no more likely to yank a tooth out of a young one's skull than tying it to a butterfly is. In which case it's not abrupt at all. It might be likened to some of our serials that went on and on and didn't quite know when to stop. They were the plywood/hollow doors. Until finally someone got the pliers out of the kitchen drawer that had all that sort of stuff in it and yanked the damn tooth out. Only it wasn't a yank. Due to the kid with the tooth flinching it became more of a plonking the tooth out when the pliers hit the tooth in question (and a few of the adjoining ones) and it just sort of fell out. Luckily not back into the kid's mouth, which would have been awkward, as there was no turning him around and upside down to heimlich the tooth out of him, because he was tied to the door, you see.

And you know what? This looks suspiciously like a damn serial, doesn't it, what with the title and all?

It just might be. We're just giving you, both types of people, fair warning.


We will be back. Next week. With the serial. Again. This time with more actual serial-related content. Pertaining to the story. An actual part of the story, which this one probably wasn't so much.
In other news, well, it's warm and sunny in our new head offices of California. Who would have thought it?
And, I'm shamed to report, a large portion of the office has rediscovered iConquer. So production may be very much down... in fact, we're lucky the horoscopes got done at all, seeing as how that whole department (yes, it's a department now) has been playing the networked version of it.

Well, as we've said, next week: The Real Return of the Serial!

10 May 2004

Your weekly horoscopes.